Sunday, 30 November 2014

offer on pronounciation training session

Tere Võru ja Põlva maakonna inglise keele õpetaja, 

Meil on väga hea võimalus kutsuda Võru Kreutzwaldi Gümnaasiumi esinema inglise keele foneetika õppejõud Geoff Lindsey, kes on õpetanud aastaid inglise keele foneetika „hällis“ ja peamises uurimiskeskuses ehk University College London' is.  Eestis on ta käinud viimase kümne aasta jooksul koolitamas Tallinna Ülikooli suulise tõlke üliõpilasi ning teinud mitmepäevaseid intensiivkoolitusi, kus põhikuulajaskonna on moodustanud tõlgid, aga osalejaid on olnud muudeltki elualadelt, nt õpetajate ja ülikooli õppejõudude hulgast.  Koolitusele on tuldud paljudest Euroopa riikidest, läbi aastate on tagasiside olnud ülipositiivne ning paljud inimesed on tulnud koolitusele mitmendat korda uuesti.  

Koolitus toimub 13.jaanuaril 2015.a. (teisipäev) algusega kell 13:30 Võru Kreutzwaldi Gümnaasiumi peeglisaalis. Koolitus toimub kahes osas (kumbki 90 minutit) ning vahepeal on paus (20-30 minutit). Õpetajad saavad osalemise kohta tunnistuse ning seetõttu on vajalik eelregistreerimine 13.detsembriks 2014.a. Koolitusel osalemise soov palun saata Ruth Talmeti meiliaadressile

Koolitus toimub koostöös Põlva maakonna inglise keele õpetajatega (maksimum osalejate arv on 60).

Geoff Lindsey kodulehekülg on, kus on ka ajaveeb kõige värskemate tähelepanekutega tänapäeva inglise keele foneetika arengute kohta, mis on  väga hea abimaterjal õpetajale igapäevatöös. 
Soovitan seal värsket artiklit "Generality"

Thursday, 27 November 2014

5th Drama Festival

The 5th English Drama Festival took place on 22nd November at Võru Kreutzwald Gymnasium.

1. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs – 5A,C VKG (Tiia Allas)
2. Halloween – Mõniste Põhikool (Marin Kuslap)
3. The Canterville Ghost – 7B VKG (Ere Tumm)
4. The Fox and The Stork – VKK (Ingrid Kirk)
5. The Turnip – Haanja Kool (Svetlana Yavnashan)
6. The Adventures of Robin Hood – 5B VKG (Marju Purge)
7. Do it yourself! - Parksepa KK (Livia Telles)
9. Forest Party – Kääpa Põhikool (Anita Kikas)
10. Room on the Broom – 3B VKG (Tiia Allas)

Pancake time (11.30) in the canteen

11. Stuart Little – 6B VKG (Tiia Raag)
12. The Dead Parrot Sketch – 9B VKG (Tiia Raag)
13. The Greedy Sister – 7A VKK (Ly Kõiv)
14. Peggy, the Pint Sized Pirate – 9B VKG (Ere Tumm)

The DVD of the Festival will be available at Võru Kreutzwald Gymnasium's Languages Centre.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Thank You!

Dear teachers,

All  who  participated at our 5th Drama Festival!

Thank you so much! You 've done awsome work! We hope you don't regret the spent time and energy. We, participants, know what it takes but it's rewarding as well. Let's hope we can do it again next year. You are welcome to send your ideas and  suggestions - how to do it again or perhaps in a new way.

Brilliant ideas and enthusiasm with your students!
Best wishes,

Marju and Tiia

reminder: translation contest

Dear all,

1) The contest takes place on 4th December 2014 (Thursday) at 10:00-13:00 in Võru Kreutzwaldi Gümnaasium.
2) Register your students (name, class, teacher) by 27th November by sending me an email,
3) Each school may send max 3 students to the competition (it is advisable to organise a pre-contest in translation beforehand at your own school).
4) The students should bring along their own (or their school's) dictionary/ies, if you or they feel the need for it.
5) After finishing their work, the students 
send their work to
6) We need a teacher or two who could stay with the students 10:00-13:00. It's possible to share shifts. Let me know if anybody is available and willing to invigilate. 

Ruth Talmet

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Reminder: Drama Festival

Dear colleagues,

Those who haven't sent your data in time: We are sorry but the list is closed by now. We can't afford a longer delay.

The festival will take place on Saturday, 22nd November, from 10.a.m. till 13.30 p.m. at Võru Kreutzwald Gymnasium's Assembly Hall.

The house will be open from 9.15 a.m. so everybody who wishes to test out the stage will have the chance to do so. We have the 1st floor (second floor in Estonian system) at our disposal. Each team will have a certain classroom to change their clothes in (tags are by the doors). The students have to be supervised all the time! There will be no moving around the school house during the performances! The classrooms' doors will be locked and the so-called key girls will be in the assembly hall.

We kindly ask everybody to bring your indoor shoes with you.

Should you have any more questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Marju and Tiia 

pre-info about the translation contest

Dear all, 

We'll have the translation contest on our doorstep  and therefore I'd like to remind you of the technicalities. As we decided, the competition will not be in hand-written form but typed, using a Word document program. The students will be allocated in our school's computer rooms and they have access to internet.

1) The contest takes place on 4th December 2014 (Thursday) at 10:00-13:00 in Võru Kreutzwaldi Gümnaasium.
2) Register your students (name, class, teacher) by 27th November by sending me an email.
3) Each school may send max 3 students to the competition (it is advisable to organise a pre-contest in translation beforehand at your own school).
4) The students should bring along their own (or their school's) dictionary/ies, if you or they feel the need for it.
5) After finishing their work, the students 
send their work to
6) We need a teacher or two who could stay with the students 10:00-13:00. It's possible to share shifts. Let me know if anybody is available and willing to invigilate. 

Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to cantact my by sending an email to 

Ruth Talmet

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Call for details: Drama Festival

Dear everybody,

The 5th English Drama Festival for Froms 4 to 9  will take place on 22nd November 2014.

We need detailed information about the participants to get everything ready. We need the following information:
  1. name of the teacher/supervisor
  2. name of the school and form number
  3. number of students coming
  4. the title of the play (in English and Estonian)
  5. short summary of the plot (in English and Estonian)
  6. approximate length of the play
  7. full names of the students 
  8. number of the students who will eat pancakes
Please send the info by 9th November the latest!
