11.00 – 11.45 Computer-based programs for English
language learning by Ruth Talmet
(Võru Kreutzwald Gymnasium)
Ruth introduced the following online programmes that can benefit the students and make learning more fun.
- Kahrds (alternative to quizlet)
- vocabulary.com (challanges students to learn words)
- omnilexica (focuses on names)
- poplingual (reading, listening with scripts, latest info, activities about texts)
- simpliscripts (plays)
- howtospell (dictation tests)
- freedrama.net (transcripts, video examples)
12.00 – 12.25 Using films and videos in foreign language
lessons by Maive Salakka and Eve Unt
(both from Võru Kreutzwald Gymnasium)
Eve and Maive explained why and how using video clips can benefit language learning and introduced different methods of how to exploit videos for different purposes.
12.30 – 12.50 Thinking
in the English class by Tiia Raag
(Võru Kreutzwald Gymnasium)
Tiia told us about why thinking should be taught in foreign language classes, brough out the most common problems that might stop students from being successful and introduced some fun actvities that might help to challenge our students to think.
13.20 – 13.40 Teaching
grammar creatively by Merle Paat
(Antsla Gymnasium)
Merle gave an overview of Herbert Puchta, Günter Gerngross, Scott Thornbury's book Teaching Grammar Creatively (Cambridge University Press). She focused on how to make students more aware of the language by discovery, creative practice (brainstorming, reading model texts, reconstructing model texts and creating new texts). Teacher should be the provider of conditions to "discoveries" and cater for students with different learning styles. Imagination and emotional depth make the learning more personal and therefore also more successful.
13.45 – 14.05 Rhymes and Rhythm for Pronunciation by Maila Vilu
(Võru Kreutzwald Gymnasium)
Maila provided the listeners with some handouts containing examples and practical exercises on English language stress and rhythms. The materials were based on Michael Vaughan-Rees' book Rhymes and Rhythm (Garnet Education). She focused on stressed and unstressed syllables and the beat of the language. It was quite eye-opening to hear and see the way native speakers pronounce different sentences.
14.10 – 14.35 Grammar
songs and raps for young learners and early teens by Marju Purge (Võru Kreutzwald Gymnasium)
Marju based her seminar on introducing Herbert Puchta, Matthew Devitt, Gunther Gerngross, Christian Holzmann's book of the same title. The activities in this book help to balance serious wotk with fun activities. It often exploits mnemonic techniques and the raps help to revise both certain grammar or vocabulary items. Marju also stressed the importance of having a model first and then creating new sentences by immitating theexample.
A big thank you to all the performers for the useful and fun ideas!